
Mission Blue Sky Cities

About Us

A participative approach under the guidance of Mr Arun Maira led to collation of ideas and inputs from CII staff.

About Mission Blue Sky Cities

A participative approach under the guidance of Mr Arun Maira led to collation of ideas and inputs from CII staff. Exercise was culminated with the identification of two organizational goals i.e. ‘Better life & Better work for every Indian’; one aspirational outcome under each goal was identified i.e. Mission Blue Sky Cities (BSC) and Wellness at Workplace, respectively for focused and concerted work and syncing with India@75 vision objectives for 2022 & beyond;

Staff Steering Group (SSG) comprising senior staff members of CII was constituted to guide the work. Kick starting the process a cross vertical core team for Mission BSC was put in place with representation from CESD, CII Foundation, GBC, Energy and Infra verticals of CII.

  • CESD
  • GBC
  • Energy & Infra
  • CII Foundation

Aim of the Aspirational outcome under BSC is kept at increasing number of ‘Good Air Quality Days’ in 3 identified cities from the 102 shortlisted by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) i.e. Indore, Pune, NCR. Core team facilitates respective CII State / Zonal teams in creating a process driven roll out plan by evolving a city action plan for identification of specific interventions from existing initiatives of CII. Each member of core group has been designated as city champion and is responsible for coordinating with specific city.

Operational Verticals

Sustainable Mobility

  • Zero-emission technologies
  • Sustainable Infrastructure

Green Industry

  • Air quality in urban industry clusters
  • Clean Construction

Circular Economy

  • MSW management
  • Crop residue value chains

  • Policy evaluation & Advocacy
  • Pilots & Demonstrations Scale up high impact multi-stakeholder projects
  • Awareness, Engagement

  • Govt / Local Bodies
  • Industry
  • Academia
  • Media
  • Civil Society
  • Citizens