India@75 has been working actively to mainstream the culture of volunteering in individuals and organizations through specially designed programmes and platforms that serve to build the case for volunteering in the country and build the culture of collaboration.
The Foundation has created strategic collaboration platform National Volunteering Grid (NVG). India@75’s National Volunteering Grid is a robust IT platform to promote and facilitate an ecosystem for structured volunteering thus, encouraging greater citizen participation and multi-sectoral partnerships for active citizenship, inclusion and creating social capital.
NVG is a convergence platform where Corporates adopt engaging and impactful volunteering activities and populate them to provide flexible volunteering opportunities for employees.The online portal brings together industry, civil society and citizens to collaborate on pressing issues through the instrument of volunteering and pro bono services.
It is a popular forum used extensively by the Indian Industry, especially during the CII and India@75 Foundation facilitated annual event – the National Volunteering Week. It is observed from 18 to 24 January every year since 2014 with the objective of providing every Indian an opportunity to engage with nation-building exercise by volunteering individually, through community groups / NGOs /Corporates, etc.
National Volunteering Week 2024 Statistics

24.8 Million
People Reached

68, 466
Volunteers Engaged

8, 66, 083
Volunteering Hours Generated
Sessions on Volunteerism
Session on People Partnership Participation Collaboration for New India@100
Video Clip of 10th edition of #NationalVolunteeringWeek from 18-24 January 2023
Video Bytes
India needs you, Count Yourself In today by signing on NVG!
For Corporates
The Grid support in showcasing the volunteering efforts in terms of hours and monetary value contributed by employees and collectively as an organisation. Apart from ProBono, it has a general volunteering activity calendar
in which employees can participate in an individual capacity. Overall, NVG helps companies to create a culture of volunteering.
For Non-Profits/Community Organisations
Provides a platform that connects them to individuals, corporates who subscribe to their cause. Non-Profits can join the grid through an easy registration and upload their ProBono projects and volunteering activities.
Once a project/activity is published on the portal, interested volunteers start applying and accordingly, they can choose volunteers and collaborate towards a common goal.
For Volunteers
The portal helps to identify and engage with meaningful opportunities across the country. The general activity calendar on the site is open to everyone. Any person can register and access available opportunities. It
allows to explore the right opportunity based on ones interest, location, skills and time.